
About Our Podiatry Department

Our podiatrists are highly trained and committed to providing exceptional care. We prioritize your comfort, mobility, and overall health while addressing specific foot and ankle conditions.

Available for adult and pediatric patients over 2 years old to receive:

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In-grown Nails:

In-grown toenails can be painful and frustrating. Our experienced podiatrists can diagnose and treat this condition, providing relief and preventing infection.


Wounds and ulcers can be concerning, especially for patients with diabetes. We offer expert care to manage and heal these conditions while minimizing complications.

Plantar Fasciitis:

Plantar fasciitis can cause debilitating heel pain. Our podiatrists utilize advanced treatments, including orthotics, to alleviate discomfort and restore your mobility.

Heel Pain:

Heel pain can result from various factors, such as heel spurs or Achilles tendonitis. We provide a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plans to address the root cause.

Ankle Sprains/Strains:

Ankle injuries are common and can vary in severity. Our team is equipped to assess, diagnose, and treat ankle sprains and strains to promote a swift recovery.

And Many More:

Our Podiatry Department offers a wide array of services, ranging from the diagnosis and treatment of bunions, corns, and calluses to addressing concerns related to fungal toenails, hammertoes, and more. Whatever your podiatric needs, we are here to assist you.

Personalized Care:

We understand that every patient is unique. Your treatment plan will be tailored to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes and comfort.


Contact Us to Confirm Hours and Appointment Availability at: (650) 330-7400
For Ravenswood and MayView Medical Records, please fax (650) 321-2002, call (650) 330-7415, or email medicalrecords@RavenswoodFHN.org
If you have concerns about any foot or ankle condition or require podiatric services, please don’t hesitate to contact our Podiatry Department. 

Podiatry Locations

Ravenswood Family Health Center Main Clinic

MayView Community Health Center Palo Alto